Thursday 24 December 2020

Incubus Island pre-alpha v0.0.0

This is a really early look at the game (pre-alpha v0.0.0). I stripped out as much of the unfinished or shoddy content as I could so you're less likely to get stuck or confused by it. There's still a bit in there though. Well, probably a lot.

The purpose of this is just to give fans of my previous game an idea of the direction I'm going with this one. That's literally it, I don't intend to post it on any sites but my own. It can hardly be described as a 'game' in the state it's in, but it's sufficiently coherent to convey where I'm going with it, I think.

(I'm gonna be honest, it's rougher than I wanted to release it in. I got hit with a bunch of stuff the past week and wasn't able to do a lot of the tidying up I wanted to. Also, I broke the event system while trying to add features to it, and realized Twine didn't save my backups for about a month (a bug I mistakenly thought was fixed in a recent patch), so it'll stay sorta-broken but still functional. (Next I'm going to re-write it from scratch in pure JavaScript methinks, will be much easier to edit and improve that way.))

Feel free to fuck around with the game however you want. There's a guy downtown - total piece of shit by the way - who might help you get started. (You can also find additional options if you enable debug mode, in the settings menu.)

My Next Steps
- Enjoy the holidays. 
- Patch up IC some more, release a full zipped latest version (the html-only patch thing I've been doing seems to confuse new players). 
- Rewrite event system in JavaScript. 
- Add psionic trainer storyline.
- Add jobs/expenses mechanic. 

Merry Christmas everyone!


Thursday 3 December 2020

Incubus Island Monthly Goal #9 - December 2020 (Pre-Alpha soon!)

[Feel free to skip to the last section you aren't the type for my walls of text. It's fine, I understand; I am not a patient man myself. That's where I talk about the Pre-Alpha.]

Ok so we're almost done this shitshow of a year. Just a few more weeks, hang in there.

More importantly, just one week until Cyberpunk 2077. I'm not sure why everyone else is excited for that game, but I've literally never played a cyberpunk-themed FPS/RPG hybrid that didn't immediately get added to my top 10 list of games. I'm completely fine with there being nothing else I'm legally allowed to do during this Christmas holiday. What are the rest of you doing? 

Anyway, I got more time tweaking this. I picked 4 goals last month with the intent of doing at least 2 of them.

Sunday 1 November 2020

Incubus Island Monthly Goal #8 - November 2020

Yo, happy belated Halloween. Another busy month of barely working on anything, but I'm actually genuinely pleased with what I got done. 
Don't ask what's inside. If you know what
you were smuggling you'll get a much
harsher punishment if caught.

October - Previous Goals
1) Create the skeleton (as in, baseline functioning without images or full writing) of at least one scenario of the 'pharmacy' character's storyline. I have some writing for her later stuff, but the earlier stuff exists only in my head. I should get it out there in some form. 
Actually, I had a lot done, more than I remembered. More importantly, I got a lot done. I have her 'hub' scenario and one of three 'missions' done, and by done I mean beyond skeleton, and I actually really like what I've written, which is often not the case. The 'pharmacist' (actually a scientist in hiding) is sociopathic bitch and may seem quite evil from the outset, but a player might eventually learn that there's more to the story. (Weather they agree with her goals and methods is another matter.) 
2) Revise how fuck/impregnation macros are coded. Right now when you fuck a girl, it gauges the likelihood of impregnation based on your attributes and hers, and if successful starts the pregnancy countdown and inserts a simple piece of data into her 'womb' variable to determine the nature of the baby (hatespawn, lovespawn, etc). I want to have the macro function so that it can allow sex interactions between any two NPCs, not just the player. I also want the lineage of the baby to be preserved, so the game will record the names and races and other attributes of the parents. All of this is unnecessary to the mechanics of the game, but is fun to make, helps with immersion (for me, anyway), and might become useful later. 
I barely scratched the surface of this project. The fuck macro is a whole thing and I think fully revising it is best saved until after I'm more prepared to deal with revising how pregnancy works. Coded some of this, but haven't tested it properly, and am leaving it disabled for now. I think it'll be a lot easier (and more fun for me) to test when I have some aspect of the gameplay that uses it working. Technically I failed but I'm ok with that. 

Sunday 4 October 2020

Incubus Island Monthly Goal #7 - October 2020

It's not been a good month for me. A bunch of unforseen life circumstances, and I have suddenly become really busy with important stuff that eats into time I'd use working on these projects / uses up the sort of creative energy and computer-sitting-at tolerance I'd otherwise be using on II. I'm  going to be brief here.

September's goals:

1) Create a tally of the scenarios and features so far.
2) Based on the above, finish off and properly integrate features and scenarios. 
3) Do something about the game's intro. 
4) Work on the Photography component. 
5) Make at least 2 more scenarios. 

I have accomplished none of them. I'm not pleased, but that's just how it is. I'm also not pleased that I'm apparently going to be equally or more busy until at least early January. 

Wednesday 16 September 2020

Incubus City v1.10.4 patch

- fixed issue with sisters/school endings always being available under some circumstances
- a few other bugs and oversights

Friday 11 September 2020

Incubus City v1.10 release

Finally Grim's content is part of the base game, and I've converted gifs to webp files so the game is smaller in size despite having more images in it now. 

I... might not have sufficiently tested everything, so expect a patch in a few days. 

This is a full release, not a patch. You don't need to have the game already for it to work, though if you use mods hang on to your old mods folder. 

1.10 More/Less Edition
- merged Unofficial Extended Edition by GrimUrzine
- support for two additional mods - cherryemoji and faces
- some extra and alternate content by HatchSnatchPatch
- reduced the size of image folder by converting gif to webp
- several bugs and typos fixed
- added two new paths for potion items in scenarios
- added an ability to cancel rageout for alley girl
- added content for brothel owner/Smith girls
- new beginning: Reunion
- thank you to everyone who has played or contributed to IC

Sunday 6 September 2020

Incubus Island Monthly Goal #6 - September 2020

I didn't accomplish as much as I have in previous months, but I am pleased with what I did accomplish.

Last month's goals:

1) Work on Typhon's story.

I really like how it went. I axed a lot of what I'd already written a while back because it was one of those cases where you have a character exposition dumping on you within minutes of meeting him. Much better to have him allude to things and then you can ask him for specifics later, or learn them somewhere else. I think it's probably better to underexplain things than overexplain things - the player can fill the gaps until the missing information is delivered. There's probably still areas where I can trim some dialogue, and should. 

Sunday 23 August 2020

Incubus City Russian Translation

I was under the mistaken impression I'd posted about this here before, but it turns out I only announced it on Discord. What a crime! This guy Atributz created a Russian-language translation of the game.

Twine isn't really designed in such a way to facilitate different language versions, and the way I program certain parts of the game probably doesn't help either, so this translation is the result of a rather gargantuan effort I imagine. In all likelihood Atributz knows the inner workings of IC better than I do at this point. 

Download it here:

Sunday 2 August 2020

Incubus Island Monthly Goal #5 - August 2020

It's been an annoying month: Excessive workload elsewhere reduced my free time. Subsequently I became ill (no, not the big one! thankfully) possibly in part due to lack of rest as a result of the thing I said in the previous sentence. Consequently I didn't have as much time to work on personal projects, or often did not feel up to it when I did. I accomplished less than I wanted to this month, but I don't feel bad about it because the reason was outside of my control. Still it's a little disappointing, but next month will be better. (Though I will still be busy for at least another week, unfortunately.)

Here's last month's goals:

1) Fix <<change_bg>> widget. 

This was pretty simple. I had overcomplicated things the way I had it, and even with this solution I can certainly trim it down even more now that I look at it again. Essentially I have two widgets: <<show_bg>> which runs at the start of every passage (due to its inclusion in the PassageHeader) and <<change_bg>> where you use in an event to change the active background image. 

So if I am at the 'beach' location, the game will automatically put in the beach background. However, if something happens in an event and the character goes somewhere else, I put <<change_bg underwater >>. The script removes the previous css class from the html file's head tag and affixes the new one. (I'm using css page backgrounds as in Incubus City).

2) Fix the event system. 

I have done some work on the generic event launcher and it work ok, as well as made forays into the 'meeting NPC' event (including creating a way to cause the ). I also made some locations 'launch event at start' types and others 'launch event upon explore' types ('explore' meaning do something at that location other than just arrive) as specified in their attributes table. Because of the somewhat nebulous nature of this goal, I can technically say this goal was achieved; however, the event system will need more work than what I did, but this would have been true regardless of if I finished what I intended to. It's a good start, at least. 

3) Flesh it out. 

I may also write some scenarios, but I won't make it a goal. If I do, I want to force myself to do them in a way where I create a playable but content-sparse outline of it, and then add text/dialogue and additional flavor options once I've made it working and finished. I feel like this is the more sensible way of doing things, the way I do them now (following whatever ideas pop into my head wherever they take me regardless of what my original plan was) is a little haphazard and leads to 'lopsided' results.

Other things I did:

Most of the work I did was at the start of the month, and there was a big gap, so I don't remember all the little things. But I did add another type of thing you could schedule at the conclusion of an event. In IC you could receive texts as follow ups to events, as a way of epiloguing them. I've mentioned before that in II I can have it so that such occurrences can be scheduled to happen a specific number of days from when they are set (ie if you bang a girl, you might hear back from her a few weeks later about how her period is late and she's getting a bit worried) you can also see news reports about things you've done. I've added a few more types of these occurrences and increased the amount of places the occurrences can occur in. 

I also wrote a scenario. The  goal was to experiment with writing it out as a 'skeleton' of a scene, and then going in and filling in details and adding variation and little branches. The reason why this needs to be an experiment is because working in this way goes against how I normally work, which is just following my impulses and writing whatever's in my head at any given time, and tangenting off in this or that direction until the story I was making bears no resemblance to what it was supposed to. I failed to even remotely change how I work on scenarios, unfortunately, but the scenario is ok. I'll do further experiments on how I work on these because I think it might reduce the time it takes to make them without affecting quality of results. We'll see. 

This month's goals:

1) Work on Typhon's story. 

I'm going to focus on this one part of the game. In the game so far, you can meet him, talk to him, but I'd like to make it so you can get him to 'join your party' by befriending him doing a favor for him. I'd like to launch with some element of pimping/brothel in the game at launch, so this makes sense. I'd also like to figure out how the 'party' system works - it's actually already in the game, and long has been, but there's no code in the game to have characters join, or instruct them to meet you at home, or anything like that. This'll be a good way to work on those. 

2) Reorganize how things are laid out in Twine. 

It's gotten... well, not messy, but inconsistent. I've organized event passages by location they happen in, but it makes more sense to organize them based on their role in the game. Events that are simple meet-and-fucks should go together, events that are multi-part or otherwise hook into other events should go somewhere else, etc. 

3) Pull all event content I've written into the game.

I have scraps all over the place. I'm  going to find them all, put them into scenario passage templates, (totally unformatted and unfinished, but all the content in the template so it's easy to get started on them when I want) just to have them in the game. I'll organize them in the Twine interface so I'll know at a glance which ones are at which stage. I need to do this because I noticed that I started writing out stories for ideas that I've already had and written, without realizing it. I have a terrible memory and I think putting everything in the game even in shoddy form is a good way of keeping me clear on what's where and soforth. Also, if I'm in an image-finding mood, I'll know which ones need images and what type of images to look for. I'm hoping this will be better than my current processes (which are totally arbitrary).


Now, I have probably a week and a half of not being able to work on the game ahead of me but hopefully things will clear up after that. Fingers crossed. 

Oh, I just remembered: I keep getting asked, when will the game be released in some playable form? I've probably given a difference answer to it each time I'm asked, but roughly it goes like this: I don't know. It deals mostly with my satisfaction at the level of coherence, and that it gives a clear picture of what the game is meant to be. I should probably spend time thinking about what milestones and goalposts specifically I could set and show progress towards so I can maybe portray this in the form of a %age. 

Gotta go. 

Saturday 4 July 2020

Incubus Island Monthly Goal #4 - July 2020

June was pretty busy for me (or perhaps I should say 'eventful') and I wasn't able to work on the game as much as I would have liked. (I expect this will go on for much of July as well unfortunately.) Still, in spite of this fact, I'm not too disappointed at my progress. 

Placeholder art for Typhon.
Points for anyone who can identify
who's face this is and who's
body this is.
Lets go over last month's goals:

1) Implement one of the major characters.

The 'major character' I planned on doing for this goal - who's artwork I'd already done and who had the most writing done for her - I didn't touch at all. Instead I made the character Typhon, and implemented the startings of his quest. 

Typhon is a former pimp who was forced to leave his hometown - and abandon a lucrative pimping career - due to the machinations of a double-crossing business partner. When you meet him, he's working as a bouncer in one of the many brothels on Brothel Road - a sleazy district in the Utara's Lower City (also known as the Undercroft). 

He'd like to get back in the game, but he's barred from doing so by red tape, as the prostitution industry - and most industries on the island - are controlled by legally ambiguous business associations that make all the rules, and expect you to follow them. The player will be able to help him overcome that obstacle and become his business partner in starting his own brothel. The management of this brothel (recruiting, furnishing, profiting) will be an optional element of the game. 

Anyway, I'm getting a bit ahead of myself. I haven't implemented the brothel system or the quest to unlock it yet, but I've put enough pieces in that I feel like I've gotten the ball rolling. As I was writing some of his dialogue, I started to realize that I might have some issues writing it. He's a black dude, inspired by a hoodlum character from a movie I saw when I was a kid. I could just write whatever, but reading back it might comes off as cringy. I don't mind if the lingo isn't 100% authentic, but if I'm going to write pages of dialogue I need to figure out how he talks and be consistent with it so I don't keep second guessing myself. I don't even remember the name of the movie that inspired this character - anyone know any good gangsta movies? Or even documentaries, honestly. It's not the sort of thing I normally watch, not sure where to start.

2) Finish off the content I've put in so far. 

Done. Completed all the branches of the existing scenarios. Some I'm going to have to go back and revise once I've finalized some new ideas, because a few new systems I'm working on make certain types of interaction redundant. I'm not sure how to explain this without over explaining, but anyway. 

The only thing I could have done but didn't was fill in some gaps in some of the location-based content. For example, there's things that can happen to you while at the beach that aren't necessarily 'events' or 'scenarios', they're kinda in a grey area. They were intended to be 'flavor' events but as I wrote them I started making it more involved. I should tie up those loose ends this month while resisting the urge to introduce more loose ends.

3) Create places and contexts and start putting content into them.

I made 28 and linked them together in a way that kinda makes sense. Instead of having one map screen from which everything is accessible, there are separate districts you travel to from the map screen. I did this because if I allow myself to put in 1-use locations, I'll eventually have a map screen so loaded up that moving around will be tedious.

I have a table of data to track where every place is, and how it relates to everywhere else. Some are known from the start, others the player will have to learn about through conversations, eavesdropping, and other kinds of research. 

4) Create 2 scenarios. 

I made two new scenarios, one about - wait, I wasn't planning on talking about this type of content. I'm not sure if it's because it's 'spoiler' or if it's because it's not 'main' content and so going into details about it is outside the scope of these updates... but whatever.

The two I made were: 

pornfreak - Some commented under porn videos the player uploaded to the game's equivalent of Porn Hub is asking for advice. His girlfriend is a porn freak and a fan of the player's videos in particular, and he can't compete. Do you try to help him out, or use this situation to your advantage?

anchorwoman - Someone asked in my last post if the newswoman in this image I posted would be fuckable. The answer is yes. The player can accept a job to get some information about this woman, ostensibly to enable a rival at the network she works at to get the upper hand in some way. Depending on the player's abilities and choices, he may be able to do more than just the assignment he's been given.

I just checked my folder to see if there's anything else - I also apparently added two other scenarios: 'pigtailgirl' and 'loverboy'. I completely forgot about those! 

pigtailedgirl - I'm not sure if I finished it off, now that I think about it. I'll add checking that to my to-do list. 

loverboy - This one is not unfinished, but it's not complete either - it's a set of 3 events wherin the player encounters a character. The completion of these events would unlock a fourth event that would conclude this 'story'; however, while I was working on it I realized that the intended final scenario was for a different kind of character than the one I was writing. Originally it was going to a douchey guy you would help get laid, or he'd help you get laid, and in the final scenario you'd have the opportunity to help him get back together with his ex, the only woman he ever truly loved. Or, if you hated him, you'd instead do something else. However, he ended up having a different 'feel' to him than this, a more eccentric and sympathetic character, and so the final scenario... I'm not sure if it works for this character. I'll see what I can do. 

Other Things I Did

Internet Sluts - I wanted to implement the dreaming aspect of the game, but I didn't get to it. Instead I did some online dating thing. These are like 'quick scenes' the player can access by paying for exposure on a dating app. (Or by hacking himself some exposure, if he's good enough with computers.)

I also added whatever this is.
Trello - Some time ago another porn dev showed me Trello some time ago, and I decided to finally use it. It's a site/app that you can use to organize projects. It's good for collaboration, but even just for a one-man operation it's pretty handy. Much easier than a text file of to do's, which is what I had before. Try it.

Home Furnishings - I realized that with a bit of modification I could use the interface/coding for the player character's outfit slots and apply it to a location, to add furnishings. So for example you could furnish your home with better furniture, decorations, etc. Not sure what the point of this is, just an idea I'm toying with. One thing for sure I'm keeping is the 'bedcam' slot. In IC, all your sex scenes were filmed if you were flagged as a pornographer. In II, you'll need an actual camera. When you bring dates home, you can film yourself fucking them so long as you have hidden cameras pointed at the bed. (To film sex scenes outside of the home, you'll need something else - maybe a spy drone? I'm not sure yet.)

Stalking - The idea for this 'minigame' goes all the way back to a RenPy game I was making called something like Haramaster: Hunting Ground (I'm vague on the details because I started several RenPy projects that were itarations of the exact same idea). Essentially, if there's someone at a location (they could be characters that are always found there, or characters from completed scenarios that have been assigned to 'freeroam' there), you might see them. If you see them before they see you, you can stalk them. If you get close enough you could pickpocket them, if you follow them to a quiet place you could attack them, mug them, kidnap them, etc. This is a long way from being useful to the game, but I got a good start into it. Maybe I'll post more on it next update, if I've improved it any. 

Next Goals

I have a busy month ahead of me, but I hope I can get these done:

1) Fix <<change_bg>> widget. It's the thing that changes the background when you go to a new area, or when needed by an event. You'd figure this is simple, but for various reasons it's kinda buggy and sometimes the background doesn't change properly. Gotta fix it.

2) Fix the event system. I had it working ok, but as I work on the game I realize it needs work. Events can only launch when you first visit an area, and I'd rather have a possibility of them launching at any point when you 'explore' that area (ie do the action that signifies the passage of time - in a bar it's having a drink, at the beach it's doing beach stuff, etc). I also want to have a generic event launcher, something that creates events based on attributes of the place. For example, if an NPC is at that location, you can meet them, or stalk them; if there are items listed as being present, you might find them. If I've set rumours at that location, you may overhear one, etc. (This probably sounds like gibberish.)

3) Flesh it out. Aside from the above, I won't add any new systems; I'm just going to try to fill in the gaps in the existing content/systems I already have. It's so easy to let myself get sidetracked by a fun idea and create something I don't need yet - I've talked about this before - and I'm going to try to keep this impulse in check. 

I may also write some scenarios, but I won't make it a goal. If I do, I want to force myself to do them in a way where I create a playable but content-sparse outline of it, and then add text/dialogue and additional flavor options once I've made it working and finished. I feel like this is the more sensible way of doing things, the way I do them now (following whatever ideas pop into my head wherever they take me regardless of what my original plan was) is a little haphazard and leads to 'lopsided' results. 

Help Me

I need to come up with a name for the in-universe porn site that vaguely resembles Porn Hub and whatever else. The handful I came up with kinda suck. If you got any ideas, email me or post in comments. I'll credit you in the game if you want.

Saturday 30 May 2020

Incubus Island Monthly Goal #3

It's June already! Lets go over the goals I set for May and see how I did:

1) Create the buy/sell interface

Crafting interface. Currently all the
craftables are shoved into a single
screen, so forgeries and other data
items are alongside chems and drugs,
tech-based creations etc. Will split
these up, eventually.
I have created such an interface. The buying prices are calculated based on the player's barter skill, as are the selling prices (obviously, the barter skill is irrelevant in cases where you're buying from vending machines). Moreover, for all items there will be a bulk purchase option, enabling further savings. In the item database, every item has a base 'cost' which represents what they are worth in KRED (the post-national currency used in II), from which their sale price and bartered purchase price are derived.

More interestingly, the 'shop interface' can also function as a crafting interface. The player will be able to create items based on items they posses and their level in the relevant skill. I kinda just did this on a whim, but it works almost perfectly. For crafting an item, there are three variables: Ingredients, Requirements, and Skills. Ingredients are self-explanatory; Requirements are the equipment and recipes needed to create the item (ie: possessions that are needed, like Ingredients, but are not depleted during crafting); Skills are the skill levels necessary to craft the item. For example, to produce a poison dart for your dart gun you might need to use some Utaran wasp venom, a dart, have a Chemistry skill of 6, and posses the Poison Dart Recipe.

2) Start implementing one of the main characters

I didn't do this at all. All the scenario/event based stuff I did was to test everything else here, and aside from building her location and creating her NPC data, I didn't really create anything to do with her story. I gotta own this, I failed to reach my goal here.

Objective: Failed

3) Health, Stamina, 'Mana', and other formulas (XP, skill level, etc)

Done. Here are a few of the formulas (LV is the player's Level, E is Endurance, S is Strength, A is Agility, I is Intelligence, P is Perception) (points for whoever guesses what RPG franchise I'm inspired by here):

Max HP (Health Points) formula is   E*2+S + LV*(E/2+2)

Max SP (Stamina Points) formula is   E+A + LV*(A/2)

Max MP (Mana Mental Points) formula is   I*2 + LV*(P/2)

For XP/Level and Skill/Skill Level, the formulas are a little more complicated, and I'll probably tweak them a lot as I go. The main point is that unlike in IC where you'd gain 1 skill level for every 5 points of whatever skill XP (sex/brutality/incubus/hypno), in II each successive level requires more skill XP. This is closer to how most RPGs function. 

Every level increase increases your maximum this-and-that as the formulas indicate above. I also have it so every nth level you get a perk point, though there's no way to spend them yet. The player levels up when they sleep - this is a thing from older RPGs I've played, and I rather like it. Makes the chracter's growth feel realer somehow, like it's a function of literal experience rather than numbers going up.

4) More consistent aesthetic

Done. It's actually a little too consistent right now, but that's an easy problem to solve if it annoys me.

5) Equip-able items (clothing for now).

Clothes are now equippable. I've made it so you can change clothing at home and other fixed locations (in a changeroom for example). It's incredibly easy - in fact requires no additional programming at all - to add extra clothing types (right now I have 'outfit' for general clothing, 'accessory' for things like sunglasses, and 'alternate' as a slot for the item you'll keep handy to change into when required, ie swim suit, scuba gear, things like that), the game will automatically know based on a clothing item's subcategory. Like if an item's subcategory is 'hat' then a hat slot will be created on the character's data as soon as he tries on the item.

Other Things I Did

Scheduler - I had an event delayer already made, but now everything can be created according to a schedule. It's also able to do all kinds of other things. In IC, if you got a follow-up text message, or if there was an article or whatever about what you did, you'd potentially get it immediately. The only thing delaying it is if there were too many other such items in the queue, or by random variance. I want to have this work properly this time around.

Some of the triggers will be automatic. For example, if you murder someone, there will be a news item automatically generated about their death that will come in a couple of days. 

<<schedule news "Tonight on the news, bla bla bla.|But first, local man claims bla bla bla.|Then some other thing." 5 >>

This creates a TV news segment will, after 5 days, appear the next time the player watches TV. The pipe character ('|') separates the two anchors's dialogue. I use this type of string a lot to create 'quick conversations' the game will reinterpret and format properly when it uses it. 

<<schedule socialmedia "Did you see about that thing that happened?|The thing with the guy and the girl?|Yeah, that!|Yeah! So fucked up!" 2 >>

This creates a conversation witnessed on social media, which the player can come across if he goes online in 2 or more days. 

<<schedule email "There is no subject line here.|I'm writing to tell you that not much thought was put into this example email. Also, I think I'm pregnant.|Jane" 21 >>

This creates an email the player will receive in 3 weeks. 

<<schedule delivery suntanlotion 4 >>

You can order items and have them delivered to you. This is how I would tell the game to deliver some suntan lotion to the player's appartment, to arrive in 4 days. 

<<schedule event horsepunch_weeklater 7 >>

This cues up an event called 'horsepunch_weeklater', which happens 7 days hence. I assume this randomly named event would deal with the aftermath of that time the player punched a horse. 

<<schedule hookup teacher >>

Here's a hookup being scheduled with the 'teacher' character. Which leads to...

Hookup system - I made a 'booty call' system in IC, and this is this game's equivalent, except it's better in every way because it's affected by skills and decisions. If she's a character you want to keep in your contact list (and improve your relationship with, for whatever reason (ie. so she'll be your gf, so she'll work for you, etc)), you can choose to prioritize her pleasure; if she's a pump-and-dump you can treat her poorly and possibly make her angry. You can slip off the condom without her noticing if you're stealthy enough, or coerce her into letting you not use one - again, options that risk worsening or terminating your relationship with her.

Storage - I created a storage interface for depositing and retrieving items. Simple enough. Player can store goods at home, possibly other locations. Might be a maximum capacity if at any point there seems to be a point. 

I also made a bunch of items

June's Goals

1) Implement one of the major characters - I failed this one this month, would like to get it done.

2) Finish off the content I've put in so far - To test ideas I've put in some scenes, but a few have yet to be finished. It's a thing that builds and is at the back of my mind, all these loose ends that need to be tied, tasks that need to be checked off my list. Time to do them. 

3) Create places and contexts and start putting content into them - I have content mostly completed for a variety of circumstances that don't exist yet. I will create those circumstances. For example, there's going to be a way to meet girls online on various dating platforms (it'll be nothing like the version of this in IC, I promise!). I have some of the content made for these girls (it's not madlibbed like in IC), so I want to create the dating interface so that I can put the content into the game. 

4) Create 2 scenarios. - I keep getting ideas and shelving them for later. I'll unshelve two and write/code them.

Previous Poll - Favorite Wedding

Enough votes to look at this. I'm a tad surprised to see Shinoa's ending in there, but I'm even more surprised by O'Shay's ranking. I didn't think her marriage ending was that interesting, though someone suggested that it was a fondness of Molly Jane that put her high in both this and the ending rankings. The mother/daughter being in the top 5 suggests I should stay the course on that kind of content for II.

I prefer O'Shay's Dirty Cop ending to her Marriage ending, so that's the one that's gonna be canon.

Next Poll - ???

I was trying to find a poll system that would let me do more interesting polls that would gather various numerical ratings (i.e. "On a scale of evilness between 1 and 100, where 1 is being rude to someone and 100 is cold blooded murder, how do you rate the following actions:") but to do that I'd have to sign up for some massive survey thing and learn how to use it. 

This leaves me without an idea for a poll at the moment, I'll post one if/when I think of one.

Incubus City patch 1.9.9

Sofia Delgado
Patch 1.9.9
- shame and pride token are now no longer blocked off by a bug 
- added credit for E17

Saturday 2 May 2020

Poll: Which was your favorite Wedding Bells marriage?

This is a do-over for the last poll I posted. The poll site was very shoddy and the results were easy to tamper, and apparently someone did tamper with it.

(Note: This is a vote for  the Wedding Bells marriage ending specifically, not the character or any other ending that relates to that character. In other words, don't vote for Shauna just because you like the Dirty Cop ending, don't vote for Joy Smith if you only really liked one of the other Smith endings, etc.)

Strawpoll is fine for now, but I wanted to find one that allows for more complex polls. For example, I wanted to provide a list of morally dubious acts, and have survey takers provide a number indicating how evil that act is (0 being morally neutral, 100 being cold blooded murder tier evil). I'll figure out a way of doing that at some point.

Sunday 19 April 2020

Incubus Island Report #2

What up bitches. I had written a rather large post about a few of the things I've created or re-created in the past two weeks in order to have II able to do all the things I'd like it to. I added to it bit by bit each time I'd accomplish something, almost like a journal. It was fairly long, almost too long - I was worried I was over-explaining things and going into tedious detail. Then an incredibly frustrating thing happened: Blogger lost my draft - I opened it to find that it was entirely blank.

Annoying to have lost it, and I'm too irritated about it to re-write the whole thing, but writing it all wasn't a complete waste of time: It's actually incredibly useful writing about things I'm working on, because it forces me to think of them in a different way, and sometimes I get ideas on how to improve them, or where to take them in future, that sort of thing.

Anyway, I didn't lose the part I wrote on the game's 'Virtue' system, because I had copy pasted it into a message to someone. This someone is HB38, a person who is developing a custom scenario for the game, and there's been a bit of back-and-forth over that. Why is someone working on a custom scenario for a game that isn't even remotely close to playable? Because I'm working on a custom scenario system that will hopefully make it easy for content to be added to the game for anyone interested. So anyway, I may as well talk about those two things.

Virtue System

A lot of RPGs have a karma or morality system to track if you're good or evil so the world can react to you accordingly. II's 'morality' system isn't like that. The moral character of your acts don't affect the world around you (aside from their immediate social/legal consequences), they affect your character himself.

Unlike in IC, the II protagonist is not a seasoned sociopathic misanthrope. You start out as a normal person who is capable of doing the sort of things a normal person would do. Evil needs to be earned. The more vile a person you are, the more options to be even more vile present themselves.

I made a list of a wide range of virtue-related acts (murder, white lies, rudeness, threats of violence, torture, insulting someone's appearance, tampering with medication, etc). Every one of them has a numerical value indicating its level of evil. This number is used to gauge how evil your character needs to be before he will be able to commit said act, and also how incrementally more evil he becomes by doing it.

* There will be of course acts that increase your virtue rather than decrease, and also things that become unavailable to characters tainted by evil deeds. I'll explore these at a later time.

Custom Scenarios

So as I said, I have been working with HB38 in regards to custom scenario building. I am creating it so that, to add content to the game you need only create a passage for it in Twine and give it the 'custom-event' tag. The game will automatically find it and associate it with whatever location the event takes place in (which you would supply through an event location tag, ie 'beach-event', 'jungle-event', etc) where it might be triggered by a player upon visiting said location.

Also in the interest of facilitating custom content and modding, I've documented a lot of the features of the conditional linking system II uses ('Cubus', which I also used in IC). Once I regain access to the Wiki (the host has some issues with accounts not being able to log in, mine is one of them) I'll start using it as a documenting source. Honestly, it's best I write documentation for my own sake anyway because I'll frequently start building something that I already made, having forgotten of the previous effort's existence.

History by Popular Vote

Oh, I did some interactive thing at the end of my last post, a poll on what the favorite ending was. Fairly informative, for example I had no idea Dirty Cop would be so popular. Schooling Sluts requires no explanation. Probably worth noting is that if you add up all the Smith family related ending votes, they would exceed everything else in popularity. 

I've made a timeline of events from IC that I consider 'canonical', ie happened during the Incubus's life and are safe to reference in II in some way or another; this poll data will help inform this timeline, and I've already tweaked it a bit. 

I'll have a post out on the 1st with a summary of what I did and a new goal for next month. I'll do another poll as well, probably a similar one about favorite weddings. 

That's it, then.

Wednesday 1 April 2020

Incubus Island Monthly Goal #1

As per my previous post, I'm starting to have more time to throw around on projects so I'm setting monthly goals for Incubus Island, both as a means of self-motivation and to keep myself focused (because I am often inclined to wild tangents).

My Goals For This Month

1) Get into II, figure out where I was at, and complete whatever complicated task I was in the middle of.

I think (but am not certain) I was changing how variables were stored after learning something new about Twine, got interrupted mid-way, and left town for two weeks, and then wasn't able to get back into it until now-ish.

2) Implement a multi-part scenario. 

Some scenarios are now multi-part. I think a good way to test what I have and what needs to be changed is putting in one of the scenarios I've written into the game. There's a bunch of features I made and planned on making that would streamline the process of making scenarios, so in the process of doing this I'll build those. Will also do some changes to the <<do>> macro (the thing I made use to make conditional choice links in IC). Might put multiple scenarios, actually.

Sounds pretty modest but it's a good start. As I mentioned before, I really just want to get the ball rolling. I anticipate my free time trending upwards, fingers crossed.

Other Thoughts

An IC modder told me that creating custom scenarios for IC was kinda daunting because of the amount of places outside your scenario passages you need to add code to to make it connected the same way as everything else. I get this. It's something I'll be bearing in mind as I dev II.


I figure I should try to learn which plot points are closest to your black hearts. What's your favorite ending for Incubus City?

Vote on your favorite ending. (poll has expired)

I'll do a new poll with each of these posts.

Wednesday 25 March 2020

Incubus City v1.9.8 patch

- fixed an apparently recently introduced bug which would only award tokens to players with a decent token collection already (ie the rich get richer)
- replaced an odd antiquated way the game would track if you were married or not, which prevented the Wedding Bells ending from triggering depending on what start you chose
- several oversights in the text corrected (thanks Atributz)

Get It Here

Tuesday 24 March 2020

Incubus Island Report #1

Hello. I'm often asked for the status of Incubus Island, the sequel to Incubus City. Gotta admit, it's been slow - far slower than I'd have liked. I originally wrote out a lengthier explanation for this, but it wasn't that interesting, so to sum it up: Various pressures from irl took time away from certain personal projects, Incubus Island included.

Things are changing a little bit recently, and I'm likely going to be able to start shifting focus back II. I think starting April 1st (no foolin') I will begin setting monthly goals for the project, to help motivate me to get back into the swing of it, and also perhaps inspire me to start thinking ahead and planning better. If I fail to meet these monthly goals you, dear reader, are granted license to mock me for it.

Anyway, for now I'll tell you about one aspect of the game in the works:


I made an 'exploration system'. This is actually something I've been doing on and off for a long time - about a year maybe? It's essentially a '3D' first-person dungeon crawler 'engine' I built into Twine.

The intent of Hinge3D is for explorable areas to be easily made using a fairly intuitive map system, which I'll talk about some time later.

I was very unsure about sharing an image of it, both because it might give the wrong impression of what kind of game I'm making and because I'm not fully certain of its inclusion in II vs some later project. Plus, the ceiling graphic looks shit.

Well I'm 90% certain I will use it. This system will have multiple potential uses:

1) Investigations: Some scenarios will have you play a 'detective' in either a formal or informal sense, looking around for clues and make sense of a situation. I think doing this in 3D environment might be more interesting than the crime scene house thing in IC for example.

2) Break-ins: Remember how the IC title screen showed the game's protagonist sneaking into a house at night and yet the game included no such scenario? Well I have plans to actually make that part of the game this time. You'll be able to sneak into homes and steal stuff, find sleepers in which to sow your seed, and even complete espionage and assassination jobs. Sneak around a dark house and try to evade security systems, unwanted encounters with residents and so on.

3) Exploration: This game won't be a dungeon crawler, but this element was clearly inspired by those types of games, and could be used as such. Just imagine places like the dungeon in IC, except instead of a countdown to race against, you have to contend with guards to fight and other obstacles. Since combat system is up in the air, but the game will include some, just not at launch. (I've built two combat systems in Twine already - one I posted here ages ago that had sprites and simple animations for JRPG, the other for a silly non-porn game that I may post eventually.)

Well that's enough prattle for one day. I'm going to try to make one more patch for IC closing off a bunch of minor issues before the end of the month, then on the 1st post some sort of goal. (Probably something along the lines of exhuming II, which I left in a messy transition state.) Anyway, bye.

Saturday 29 February 2020

Incubus City v1.9.7 patch

Didn't post the last 3 patches - sorry - so here they are, with the latest.

- when trading slaves in the alley, you don't have to make your concubines slaves
- a few bugs fixed
- several oversights in the text corrected (thanks Atributz)
- Visual Themes (not a serious feature) revised, kinda work

- fixed numerous bugs
- fixed several ancient bugs discovered by Atributz (thank you!)
- Kia'in can only be born on even-numbered days
- misc bug fixes
- added new starting bonus: Daddy's Girl
- revised how inventory works
- added some new features that you'll either notice or won't

- if you don't claim a womb, someone else might
- corrupted and whored daughters can get themselves pregnant while you sleep

- ability to ask wife about daughters is restored
- more ways of Kia-related replication to occur

Saturday 4 January 2020

Incubus City v1.9.3 patch

- fixed issue preventing the whoring of Joy Smith 
- fixed tangerine token, properly this time
- fixed several bugs relating to new recruitment list system
- fixed several bugs relating to Tara/Eustace Zimmerman scenario
- wife interaction images are now non-generic
- misc bug fixes

Download Patch

Incubus City v1.9.2 patch

- new mod: Zotscheetter Mod, an expansion of Sp1ke's mod
- misc bug fixes

Download Patch

Download Zotscheetter Mod