Incubus City

In Incubus City you take the role of a man during a strange week-long change he occasionally experiences. Overcome with the intense desire to impregnate women, he must roam the streets at night seeking fertile wombs to knock up. During these times, he manifests strange abilities like enhanced strength and hypnotism, but the compulsion often drives him to do evil and places his life and freedom in danger.

Non-linear, multiple paths, 22 endings and 19 beginnings (unlockable New Game+ scenarios that provide player a different origin and set of starting bonuses), own slaves, recruit girls into prostitution, ruin families, and forge a destiny beyond mortal comprehension.

(The game is pretty damn rapey. You probably shouldn't play it.)​

Relevant Tags: Animated, Male Protagonist, Multiple Endings, Text Based, Real Porn, Pregnancy, Creampie, Rape, Prostitution, Sexual Harassment, Slave, Anal Sex, Big Tits, Cheating, Blackmail, Harem, Incest, Interracial, Lactation, Masturbation, Milf, Multiple Penetration, Virgin, Adventure, Monster, Graphic Violence


1) Download Incubus City v1.11.7 - Full game including images.

2) Download Upgrade Patch to v1.11.8 - Patch only, just copy into the above's folder.

NOTE: I am terrible at updating this page. To find the most recent version of this game, the 'Incubus City' tag on the blog will take you to it: Show IC updates from blog

Download Image Mods

Other Links

(Note: I am not responsible for the content on these pages.)



  1. Will you be uploading the newer version to GamCore soon?

    1. I sent it, they'll upload it when they upload it.

  2. what's the real name of darlene weathers?

  3. How do I get the rounded token? It says to hypotize the cop O'Shay, but I don't think she can be hypnotized. The Midnight Fence said "The ZZZZZable of the five, brutality she craves." Is he refering to the five Smith Sisters?

    1. I really have to fix that janky ZZZ quote... but anyway if your hypno ability is high enough and you waste enough time in the crimescene house, you'll get kicked out before you can get the gun but you'll be presented with an opportunity to hypno her.

    2. Ok thanks, by the way. To get bone token it says slave throw to flee and to get sunken token it says marry ????. What do those mean?

    3. View the marriage ending using dreamochrome.

    4. Okay got the sunken token. Now how do I get the bone token?

  4. is there a lore? i'm interested.

    1. I'm not sure what qualifies as 'lore', but play it and let me know what you think.

  5. Any hidden cheat codes not listed in the official one?

    1. There's a few debugging codes I didn't list.

  6. you got a discord server?

    1. Yes, but I barely use Discord. I don't really understand Discord tbh, will probably figure it out once I start a patreon.

    2. same tho lol

  7. Playing on android. Running into the midnight merchant causes a block. The image is always in front of the options and there is no way to do anything besides reload. Is there anyway around this?

    1. I don't have a way of testing it directly, but I will put something in the code that will hopefully address the issue so you can at least see some of and click on the links. I can't promise it will look great. New version within a week.

  8. how to get the Prince's start please

    1. Get two different marriages in ending #2. (It doesn't track the ones you got before this version unfortunately.)

  9. How to sell the things I get?

    1. Play the game long enough and you will encounter a character who will do it. Otherwise you can sell certain things on the main screen (righthand sidebar) but you aren't guaranteed to find a buyer.

  10. Here I find a bug:
    When I start the game with the beggining GOD EMPEROR ,Sexsual Performance is
    invalid that no matter how many people I F,I can't get S skill check passed.

    1. That's actually intentional. God mode has its drawbacks.

  11. When I start as Prince,why can't I practice S with my concubines to improve S skills?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This was an oversight on my part. The next patch I'll release will address it. (Will have it out in a few days maybe.)

  12. How do I download and use the game on a kindle?

    1. I'm afraid I don't know anything about that.

  13. Could you tell us the name of Joy, and her daughters... with and without the plus mod ?

    1. They are credited in the About section (button in left column). As for the mod, you'd have to contact its creator and ask him.

  14. why doesn't ender code work ??

  15. What is supposed to happen when you get all tokens and what is the red dossier that you buy from fence supposed to do

    1. There's no grand conclusion to the token thing just yet, but there will be. The dossier just does the graphical representation of your pregs in the sidebar, not super useful.

  16. Looks to be a bug in the 'other sluts' marriage scenario. When you play it and select it as your marriage option while a Prince, it doesn't get removed from the list meaning you can never actually move past it. Seems to have something to do with the absence of the capture tags in their selection list.

    1. What version number are you playing?

    2. Looks to be 1.7

    3. K good. I believe you're describing one of the bugs I since fixed. Get the 1.7.3 update (seems I neglected to add it to this page, but it's the last thing I posted on the main page) and see if that works.

      And please let me know if it does or does not, thanks!

  17. How to know the real models name please

    1. Click 'about' in the sidebar of the game, it lists them.

  18. There is an error on the dirty cop ending. the second mission gives an error when trying to rape the tied up cop from the park.

  19. Hi I'm playing version 1.8.4 and I think there is a bug in the whorehouse.
    After putting the chemical canister and banging all girls I return to the employee-only hallway and snoop around again and then their is no way out

  20. Is there an android version ?

    1. There was. Someone else made it and it's very out of date.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. When talking to girls on dating sites, is it just a random chance that the conversation will miss or hit? Thanks!

    1. Random, but based on your stats. The higher your levels, the better you'll do.

  23. How do you get the prepared beginning ? any tips

    1. Get "Looking to the Future" ending a lot of times, maybe 15? It's a reward for people who got pissed off from always getting that stupid ending.

  24. I am super confused regarding Shinoa, I believe her name is. How do I make contact with her? I just lose her in the crowd every time. Any hints or help?

    1. You have to go on the internet afterwards. I should probably put some hint in the game, it's not super clear I admit.

  25. how can i install the mods? i couldn´t find a tutorial or something like that

    1. Yeah I for some reason never put a link on this page to the explanatory page. Sorry about that. Find it here:

      I just rewrote some of it to hopefully make more sense. Lemme know if it can be worded more clearly.

  26. who is the frat girl?

    1. I could never find her name, she's from some college girl series I think.

  27. Is this game only on windows/internet explorer? Never works properly on my mac, all the gifs are missing

    1. It works on PC in most browsers, and some play it on Android. Did you fully unzip it, like the whole file structure?

    2. I got it working, downloaded it again and this time placed it in it's own folder instead of with other files and it worked. Thanks

  28. I am Korean, and having fun translating this game into Google translation. Thank you for making a good game. By the way, what is the wifi/daughter interactions added to 1.90 patches? Although the game has been played for a long time, this kind of chemistry is hard to find.

    1. Oh I'm sorry, didn't answer your question. Some of the game starts let you have a family: wife, daughters, etc. You can now interact with them, and there's a bit of new content related to them.

    2. Thank you for your reply. I knew that part was added, but I thought there was another interaction.

      Incubus City is a good game. It is also expecting a follow-up. Have a good day!

    3. I'm sorry to contact you again, but I can't download version 1.95 so can you post a link to blog?

  29. Hello, Im new to this Html gaming thing, i downloaded the game to both my andriod device and my lapton and tried to run it on chrome. But the images and gif dont seem to like show? Is there any solution for this ?

    1. You have to fully unzip the folder structure. The html file has to sit in a folder with images, mods and styles as subfolders of that folder.

      To play it on Android, here are instructions someone else wrote:
      1. Extract files from zip.
      2. Manually go to the location of the file into Chrome, eg: file://localhost/sdcard/Download/Incubus City v1.8.6/Incubus City.html
      3. Enjoy.

  30. I seem to be missing something with unlocking the SlaveTrader Beginning.I have a save where I can marry Lizzie, or I can take Breeding Bitch or Slavemaster. Still no Trader. Help?

    1. You have to have the 'mercantile' token. I think that's the one you get when you encounter the slave traders and do business with them. See the wiki for more info.

  31. Hello. I've been thinking, would you be interested in having someone revise the game's script? You know, carefully looking at the text and dialogues and correcting any grammar/spelling mistakes? Since I really enjoy the game, I'd be more than willing to do it, free of charge. If you'd like me to, just let me know and we can talk.

    1. Sure Cristiano, I'm definitely a sloppy writer at times and would appreciate pointing out stuff like typos and bad wording.

  32. Hello Wape, i'm having trouble getting the beginning "momma's boy" no matter what i do i can't get it. playing 1.9.5 thanks in advance.

  33. Not sure if I'm missing something... can you load saves from a previous version to the new version? Saving/Loading to disk doesn't seem to work.

    1. That shouldn't be the case! Do you get an error or something? Or are they just missing?

    2. Just missing

    3. It's possible you cleared your cache and therefore purged the saves from your browser's memory. Can you still load these saves in the older version?

      Is that version a mod someone made? Another thing that would make the saves undetectable is if they were for a version of the game that has a different 'title'. I have not changed the game's title for over a year so this is unlikely unless you're playing an edit someone made.

  34. Hello wape . How to enter a cheat code on mobile ?

  35. I'm not sure, try to change your name in the first name field?

  36. Hello. What are the names for Julie (Window girl)?

  37. Very cool game with an interesting unlock system that that generally works well.

    Is there an issue with Daddy's girl and getting the Wedding Bells "Your own Daughter" ending? The guide says to "goodsex" 1 daughter and get 30+ preg, but it doesn't seem to proc a daughter option.

    Even adopting Izolde(mail order bride) and getting the wedding bells for her doesn't proc the ending for daughter. There seems to be an option to offer a ring, but that also doesn't seem to be accessible. Is there a bug or am I missing something?

  38. I've downloaded the images mods the hentai one works but the spikz mod the videos don't work is there a way to fix this problem im using windows 10 Google Chrome

  39. When playing I can only do the "sister of many" once, not that it wont let me, but that if I try it just takes what I did from the last season. Even if I restart this happens

    1. I think you need to download the patch to the latest version. Pretty sure I fixed that bug.

  40. I can't get any of the image mods to work. How do you do that?

    1. You have to download the relevant ones and put them it the mods folder.

  41. Can you use the mods without downloading them in the online version?

    1. On gamcore or wherever? They have to download and install them.

  42. When will 1.14 be on gamcore

    1. Also will IC ever be uploaded to gamcore aswell

    2. I don't upload to gamcore myself - they update it when they do. That said, come next patch I'll nag the shit out of them.

      Not sure about second question, did you mean II? If so, probably. It's nowhere near a proper game yet.

  43. i have downloaded all the mods but they don't work is there a proper way to download them that will guaranteed it to work

  44. What’s up with all of the starting bonuses being different colors now. What do they mean?

    1. I thought it needed something to make it easier to distinguish where you are in a big long list of options. In the data file I have them separated into categories, 'job', 'family', 'criminal' etc. I made them recolor based on those categories but tbh it doesn't really add anything and I might remove it and just have them alternating between lighter and darker red backgrounds.

      If I were going to re-do this page entirely I'd have them appear as a list of cards (vaguely like cards in the black book), with a pic at the top of the card and a description under it.

  45. What are the pornstar names of Kate and Jeannie in the bar scene during the sex session in the washroom?

  46. what is the name of the girl with the shirt on the couch for one of the vixen training gif?

  47. Buenos dias.
    Me encanta este juego. por que no lo pasas a al motor Renpy o Unity, y agregarle el idioma: Español.

    Un saludo de Venezuela

    1. I use Twine because I'm comfortable with HTML and CSS.

      If someone wants to port the game to another engine, and do whatever with it, they are welcome to. I am also ok with unofficial translations - there's a Russian version someone made in fact. I know a few languages but none well enough to write coherently in them unfortunately.

    2. Hey dude, how do u get the Daddy's girl ending, I tried with single dad, and I get utopia ending, I tried with cult leader and I get Stepdad ending. Like are u sure I need preg 30ish women.

      Also there is version with extra gifs and images, do u advise against downloading that.

    3. Hi ALV.

      Sorry I haven't answered any of your questions. For gameplay advice, your best bet is asking on the Discord; weird as it sounds people there know my game better than I do at this point.

      Regarding this alternate version with more gifs, please tell me where to get it as I am curious. Can't really advise you to download it or not, probably safe but who knows.

  48. "Just as you pass through the entrance, your skim starts to crawl, you get the feeling that the place is rejecting you.."

    skim should be skin.

  49. hey ive gotten all endings/beginnings, but daddy's girl, ive followed the wiki, but the ending isnt comming up? any suggestions

  50. I love montana and he's all I want

  51. The code section is not popping up for me. what should i do?

    1. Just enter your first name as the code. The code field only becomes available after a certain achievement (I don't remember what), the only difference between field is the code field doesn't change your name.

  52. Sorry if this is the wrong place for a bug report. Glitch where if you tell Jean (motel) about Doris Dickrider, if you later sex one of your daughters it will show the Doris Dickrider text again instead of the usual dialogue. This happens at least on Family Business beginning on v1.11.18

  53. What about the girl character in the main story. Seems Mike a good idea. Can and up as: gangbang fucktoy, fluffer, raped, as the main char girl actually can do a lot of sex things.

  54. So there is no apk version yet? Damn...

    1. Someone made an apk ages ago but it's a very old version. I don't really know much about the format unf.

  55. Just wanted to let you know, I just found the game the other day, and I've completed five seasons or whatever on Android, and it works really well! No glitches or problems so far, and you did a really great job on the game and I'm really enjoying it! Thank you for making it!

  56. I'm plagued with curiosity if you remember an old new grounds flash game. It may have been named Rape City, though my rabbit hole hasn't garnered much more then that. An oddly chimed in memory. Keep working hard, you're doing great.

  57. is there any chance to know what is the actress of jenna (frat girl)'s name in the gangbang scene? pls i'm so desperate she is so sexy

    1. What is the name of the image that has your interest?

    2. I actually don't know how to look for the name of the image, but if I try to save it, it's called orgy.webp

    3. Sorry Anon, can't find the original gif it's from, which I'd need to track it down. (If you find a color version of it, pass it through namethatporn dot come or images dot yandex dot ru to hopefully find the source.)

    4. thank you anyway, you have been very kind. The game is awesome by the way!

    5. Try using Tineye it might help find the specific porn

  58. Some files seems missing like the bakery, how can i fix this?

  59. What is the real name of all sister in Sisters of many

  60. Hey Wape would you be open to the idea of accepting paid sponsorship for the game. Nothing too intrusive offcourse. Maybe something like the character is searching through a stolen and one of the web tabs open is a specific sexy store or sexy art piece. I'm asking cause I would like sponsor some scenes for the Incubus City game.

  61. Ok let me retype that cause there were some gramart errors
    Hey Wape would you be open to the idea of accepting paid sponsorship for the game. Nothing too intrusive offcourse. Maybe something like the character is searching through a stolen phone/laptop and one of the web tabs open is a specific sexy store or sexy art piece. I'm asking cause I would like sponsor some scenes for the Incubus City game. As for the payment method well that can be discussed easily.
