Wednesday 1 April 2020

Incubus Island Monthly Goal #1

As per my previous post, I'm starting to have more time to throw around on projects so I'm setting monthly goals for Incubus Island, both as a means of self-motivation and to keep myself focused (because I am often inclined to wild tangents).

My Goals For This Month

1) Get into II, figure out where I was at, and complete whatever complicated task I was in the middle of.

I think (but am not certain) I was changing how variables were stored after learning something new about Twine, got interrupted mid-way, and left town for two weeks, and then wasn't able to get back into it until now-ish.

2) Implement a multi-part scenario. 

Some scenarios are now multi-part. I think a good way to test what I have and what needs to be changed is putting in one of the scenarios I've written into the game. There's a bunch of features I made and planned on making that would streamline the process of making scenarios, so in the process of doing this I'll build those. Will also do some changes to the <<do>> macro (the thing I made use to make conditional choice links in IC). Might put multiple scenarios, actually.

Sounds pretty modest but it's a good start. As I mentioned before, I really just want to get the ball rolling. I anticipate my free time trending upwards, fingers crossed.

Other Thoughts

An IC modder told me that creating custom scenarios for IC was kinda daunting because of the amount of places outside your scenario passages you need to add code to to make it connected the same way as everything else. I get this. It's something I'll be bearing in mind as I dev II.


I figure I should try to learn which plot points are closest to your black hearts. What's your favorite ending for Incubus City?

Vote on your favorite ending. (poll has expired)

I'll do a new poll with each of these posts.


  1. It's your decision but I'll prefer you start incubus island after completing incubus city. Because I don't want to split your time developing 2 games at the same time and prolong release of incubus city.

    Other than that, good luck. I'm looking forward to to both games anyway.

    1. I'm not actively developing IC at the moment. I'm going to do bugfixes, implement any mods or fan-made content that might come along, and I have one new beginning I'll probably finish up during and update, but that's it for development on that until I have something to show for II. (Mind you, I've made this claim before.) IC isn't 'complete', but at the moment I think of it as the prologue to II. Working on II is completing IC.

  2. It pains my depraved heart to see utopia outpace dystopia, but at least, Dirty Cop, my fav ending, is doing really well

    1. I find it weird Utopia is less popular. If you like Dystopia you'll really like the game that I'll eventually get around to making after II.
