Thursday 24 December 2020

Incubus Island pre-alpha v0.0.0

This is a really early look at the game (pre-alpha v0.0.0). I stripped out as much of the unfinished or shoddy content as I could so you're less likely to get stuck or confused by it. There's still a bit in there though. Well, probably a lot.

The purpose of this is just to give fans of my previous game an idea of the direction I'm going with this one. That's literally it, I don't intend to post it on any sites but my own. It can hardly be described as a 'game' in the state it's in, but it's sufficiently coherent to convey where I'm going with it, I think.

(I'm gonna be honest, it's rougher than I wanted to release it in. I got hit with a bunch of stuff the past week and wasn't able to do a lot of the tidying up I wanted to. Also, I broke the event system while trying to add features to it, and realized Twine didn't save my backups for about a month (a bug I mistakenly thought was fixed in a recent patch), so it'll stay sorta-broken but still functional. (Next I'm going to re-write it from scratch in pure JavaScript methinks, will be much easier to edit and improve that way.))

Feel free to fuck around with the game however you want. There's a guy downtown - total piece of shit by the way - who might help you get started. (You can also find additional options if you enable debug mode, in the settings menu.)

My Next Steps
- Enjoy the holidays. 
- Patch up IC some more, release a full zipped latest version (the html-only patch thing I've been doing seems to confuse new players). 
- Rewrite event system in JavaScript. 
- Add psionic trainer storyline.
- Add jobs/expenses mechanic. 

Merry Christmas everyone!



  1. Merry Christmas to you too, thanks for getting this out for the holidays. Hope you get to finally relax these next few weeks.

  2. Thanks mang! Relax I will, and you as well.

  3. Obviously still a worksite. But a very promising one at that. I really enjoyed the Pharmacist questline so far. Is it possible to succeed in drugging her in this version?

    1. No, but she will be fuckable/pregnable at some point. (She may even be now, if I've left some backdoor open I didn't realize.)

  4. Excellent, and very intriguing. I see you have a ton of framework done WAPE, and some great characters thought of. As a fellow developer I worry that you might overwhelm yourself by working on the project as a whole, rather than breaking it down and finishing it piece by piece. If you ever feel like things aren't progressing just focus on one aspect, a character, area, or questline and just flesh THAT out, all problems are solvable if you break them down into smaller problems.

  5. Woah, obviously like you said this is a very early release, but the mind boggles at the possibilities. This could end up spectacular, at some point.

  6. Java sounds like a way better idea honestly. Twine will make things a lot harder long term

  7. I look forward to how this turns out. It might just be UI and code now but when actual events and characters are added, it'll be good.
    I also want to report a bug on IC, when playing as a Prince, I can't seem to get multiple or any Wedding Bells endings even though I should as that start.

    1. Email me a save and I'll take a look.

    2. I'll post it here:

      I know it's at the selection but if you go prince then get a few girls that you'd normally get for a multi wife ending, it doesn't trigger.

  8. I know this might be a late reply, but there is a choice in your playtest build that had me rolling on the floor of my office laughing in tears. My colleagues asked if I am ok. It was just much. The cum inside her and make her do a handstand. brilliant I hope u keep that style of humor lol.

    1. I appreciate the feedback because I never know if my attempts at humor land or even register. (Please don't play this at work, ffs! I don't want to get anyone fired.)

    2. well its not every day we get to play as a truly evil man who would do something like that. hes a complet dom with an impregnation fetish, this dude would force them to do it if it made him more aroused or in control this would even go for the none rape ones as well, espeshaly if their submisives or despret like the bar girl.

      plus their is something called a silly mod/mode that alot of other games use to go all out. a guy like him would do some hentai level shit but cant do to the laws of reality or the prep needed

    3. My favorite game Fallout: New Vegas has a perk you can choose called 'Wild Wasteland' that adds all kinds of silly things to the game world that are a bit too absurd for the game otherwise. Might do something like that - there's definitely stupid silly ideas I have that I want to put in but they don't quite fit.

  9. Hi, You forgot to remove the .git folder (147mb)

    1. Wow, didn't notice! I'm gonna update it, that's a lot of wasted space.
