Wednesday 16 September 2020

Incubus City v1.10.4 patch

- fixed issue with sisters/school endings always being available under some circumstances
- a few other bugs and oversights

Friday 11 September 2020

Incubus City v1.10 release

Finally Grim's content is part of the base game, and I've converted gifs to webp files so the game is smaller in size despite having more images in it now. 

I... might not have sufficiently tested everything, so expect a patch in a few days. 

This is a full release, not a patch. You don't need to have the game already for it to work, though if you use mods hang on to your old mods folder. 

1.10 More/Less Edition
- merged Unofficial Extended Edition by GrimUrzine
- support for two additional mods - cherryemoji and faces
- some extra and alternate content by HatchSnatchPatch
- reduced the size of image folder by converting gif to webp
- several bugs and typos fixed
- added two new paths for potion items in scenarios
- added an ability to cancel rageout for alley girl
- added content for brothel owner/Smith girls
- new beginning: Reunion
- thank you to everyone who has played or contributed to IC

Sunday 6 September 2020

Incubus Island Monthly Goal #6 - September 2020

I didn't accomplish as much as I have in previous months, but I am pleased with what I did accomplish.

Last month's goals:

1) Work on Typhon's story.

I really like how it went. I axed a lot of what I'd already written a while back because it was one of those cases where you have a character exposition dumping on you within minutes of meeting him. Much better to have him allude to things and then you can ask him for specifics later, or learn them somewhere else. I think it's probably better to underexplain things than overexplain things - the player can fill the gaps until the missing information is delivered. There's probably still areas where I can trim some dialogue, and should.