Sunday 1 November 2020

Incubus Island Monthly Goal #8 - November 2020

Yo, happy belated Halloween. Another busy month of barely working on anything, but I'm actually genuinely pleased with what I got done. 
Don't ask what's inside. If you know what
you were smuggling you'll get a much
harsher punishment if caught.

October - Previous Goals
1) Create the skeleton (as in, baseline functioning without images or full writing) of at least one scenario of the 'pharmacy' character's storyline. I have some writing for her later stuff, but the earlier stuff exists only in my head. I should get it out there in some form. 
Actually, I had a lot done, more than I remembered. More importantly, I got a lot done. I have her 'hub' scenario and one of three 'missions' done, and by done I mean beyond skeleton, and I actually really like what I've written, which is often not the case. The 'pharmacist' (actually a scientist in hiding) is sociopathic bitch and may seem quite evil from the outset, but a player might eventually learn that there's more to the story. (Weather they agree with her goals and methods is another matter.) 
2) Revise how fuck/impregnation macros are coded. Right now when you fuck a girl, it gauges the likelihood of impregnation based on your attributes and hers, and if successful starts the pregnancy countdown and inserts a simple piece of data into her 'womb' variable to determine the nature of the baby (hatespawn, lovespawn, etc). I want to have the macro function so that it can allow sex interactions between any two NPCs, not just the player. I also want the lineage of the baby to be preserved, so the game will record the names and races and other attributes of the parents. All of this is unnecessary to the mechanics of the game, but is fun to make, helps with immersion (for me, anyway), and might become useful later. 
I barely scratched the surface of this project. The fuck macro is a whole thing and I think fully revising it is best saved until after I'm more prepared to deal with revising how pregnancy works. Coded some of this, but haven't tested it properly, and am leaving it disabled for now. I think it'll be a lot easier (and more fun for me) to test when I have some aspect of the gameplay that uses it working. Technically I failed but I'm ok with that.